Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A List Of Three Random Items That Will Make You Stop And Want To Read This Blog Post

I thought about naming this blog post Electricity, Pizza, and Bicycles or Power, Frustration, and Thievery. However, I didn’t think that these were clever enough to actually catch your attention, so I came up with this brilliant title, and I sure you are waiting with bated breath to read about my adventures.  Never fear; I shall not keep you waiting any longer.

Most expats in China have what we like to call a Bad China Day. This is a day when things are frustrating or overwhelming because life is so different from our home cultures, we don’t speak the language well, and there are people EVERYWHERE. Yesterday evening was one of those nights. The day itself was good, but the evening was another story.

It all began on Sunday night when our power went out. To people living outside of China you are probably thinking was there a storm or some other problem. The answer is no. In China, you buy electricity on a card. Then you put this card into box in your apartment building that controls the electricity. When you run out of money, your power goes out. There are other warnings such as blinking lights on the box. Anyways, our power went out, but if you put the card back into your box, you get 10 RMBs worth of electricity. So we had power the rest of the night.

Since it was somewhat late on Sunday night, we didn’t go to get our card refilled that night. My roommate went the next day to get the card refilled. Now for Qingdaoren, you need to know that we don’t have those ATM things that we used to fill our cards. We take our cards to a shop and they fill it. So my roommate took it to be refilled, and I was supposed to go pick it up that night at 7:30. Our 10 RMBs worth of electricity ran out around 4:30ish, but we had dinner plans, so it wasn’t a big deal.

After dinner, I had a pizza box with leftover pizza in it, which I carried with me to the shop (Hence, pizza in the list of proposed titles). Using my limited Chinese and some charades I asked the man for my card.  He looked through the cards that he had and went to the back. Then returned and looked through the cards again.  He told me that I would have to come back tomorrow. He said a whole bunch of other words, but that was the basic idea. It seemed like he didn’t know where my card was, which really worried me. I called my roommate thinking that maybe she had picked it up already or something like that, but I couldn’t get ahold of her. So I walked back to my apartment wondering what to do next.

Soon after I entered the darkened abyss of my apartment, my roommate called me, and told me that she had taken the card to a different shop. (I have only been here a month and a half and I only knew of the one). Very excited that I was not going to have to sleep in an un-air conditioned apartment all night, I merrily skipped to elevator. When I got downstairs, some of my enthusiasm had worn off, and I really did not want to have to walk to the front of the apartment complex again (about a 7-10 min walk), so I decided to ride my bike.
I went over to my bike and unlocked it and was about ready to climb on it when I realized that my bicycle seat had been stolen. Needless to say, I made the long trek to the store on foot.

This particular store is a rather overwhelming store because so many people are crammed into such a small space. So I waited in the “line” for my turn, and people cut in front of me because this setting makes me even more timid about using my terribly impressive Chinese skills (emphasis on the terribly). Finally, I was able to squeak out that I needed my electricity card, and low and behold they had it.  Thus ending adventures.

(Please note that while the events in this blog post are entirely factual some of the emotions may have been exaggerated for effect.)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chipotle and Other Wonderful Finds in Beijing

Ok, so it wasn’t a real Chipotle, but I had to get your attention somehow. It is called The Avocado Tree, and it is Chipotle’s Chinese cousin. Excellent food with Chipotle style burritos and many of the same choices as Chipotle. Also it was very reasonably priced.

In this area, near the US Embassy, there is also a mall with a Starbucks, several restaurants, a spa, a pool, and a GIANT import store in the basement.

At first this area is a bit difficult to navigate, but I will give you directions. First of all this map has south at the top rather than North; don’t let that confuse you.
1)   To get to this area take Subway line 10 to the Sanyuanqiao stop.
2)   You will exit by way of Exit B, the North East Exit.
3)   When you get the chance, you will need to cross the street. Because this is a busy highway, there are only a few places where you can cross the street.
4)   Walk Past the Hilton. The Hilton should be on your left and the Weston should be on your right, and you should be on the same side of the street as the Hilton. Turn left onto the road in front of the Hilton.
5)   You will now walk past the front entrance of the Hilton. Keep going until this road deadends into Dong Fang East Road.

To Get to the Mall
1)   Turn left and walk until almost the end of the road.
2)   It will be on your right.

To get to the Avocado Tree
1)   Turn left.       
2)   Walk to the intersection of Dong Fang East Road and Xiao Yun Road. Dong Fang East Road dead-ends into Xiao Yun Road.
3)   Cross Xiao Yun Road and go through a Chinese looking gate. You will probably think that you are going the wrong way, but just keep going. You will have to veer slightly to the right.
4)   Once you have walked through this area, you will reach a green gate. Go through it.
5)   Turn left. (Sorry, I don’t know the name if the road.)
6)   There will be several restaurants. The Avocado Tree is probably 5 or so restaurants down.

Another good find of the trip was the 365 Inn, a Hostel very near Tiananmen Square and many other tourist sights in Beijing. It was 130 RMB per person per night for a private room, and the rooms were almost China Hotel quality. Also, you cannot beat the location. While I did not take advantage of everything they had to offer, they had tours and trips to The Great Wall and such.

Lastly, I would like to recommend Mark as a driver to and from The Great Wall. I am not sure how it works with other people, but he picked us up at the Lishuiqiao stop of line 10. Then he drove us to the part of The Great Wall that we wanted to go to. We went to the Huang Ha part. Let me take this time to say that this part of The Great Wall is not for the faint of heart or the out of shape, like me. (I did not think that I would be able to finish the climb to get to the wall). However, it is remote and beautiful, and if you want to go to a part of the wall that is not over-run with tourists, this is the place for you. Back to Mark, he speaks excellent English, and he is very friendly and personable. His phone number is 138-1016-3719 or you can email him at markzhang2009@gmail.com

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Review Of The Books That I Have Read Thus Far This Summer

I have really enjoyed reading for fun this summer. In these reviews, I will do my best to keep spoilers to an absolute minimum.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows by JK Rowling
A Simply Beautiful Book
 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)Yes, I have finally finished the Harry Potter series. As you can see all of the books that I have read this summer have been young adult books, but the Harry Potter books have a quality to them that the other books simply do not have. The world is so detailed and real, and everything so intricately woven together that I am simply amazed by Rowling genius. There were definitely sections that I read several times because they were so beautifully written.

[SPOILER ALERT] This is not to say that they are perfect. I was not impressed with the Epilogue, and I don’t get why Harry dropped the resurrection stone in the woods.  When I saw that in the movie, I thought that it was something that they added. Maybe I missed something, but it seems odd. Also, I thought that the romantic relationships should either have been more developed or not a part of the book. This is not to say that I want them to become the sole focus of the book though. I just thought it seemed like there wasn’t much of a relationship and then all of the sudden they were married. This might be a fault of the Epilogue and not of the books themselves. Despite these minor flaws, I thought that the books were brilliant.

I know that a lot of Christians get all up in arms over these books, but I cannot help but see the parallels. They are not as strong as say Narnia but rather more like Lord of the Rings.  The top two virtues in these books are love and sacrifice, and I believe they are also the most important tenants of Christianity. This is not to say that you can simply take everything in these books at face value. We must read everything with a critical eye, which I might suggest that some people do not do if it is labeled a Christian book. I think that there are far more dangerous thoughts that have been put into our media that Christians do not seem to have a problem with.

Love Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
What a let down after Harry Potter!
Love, StargirlWhen I saw this book in the library, I thought I loved Stargirl when I was in middle school. They didn’t have the first book, but I figured that I could still enjoy this book without rereading the first one. However, if I wanted to read the diary of teenage girl pinning after her former boyfriend, I would go back and read my old journals (except that I have don’t have a former boyfriend, but you get the picture).

I think that the plot of this book has potential, but we are too close to the narrator. I remember when I was taking creative writing in college I wrote a story and my professor suggested that I switch from first person to third person because the story would be better if we could get out of the narrator’s head. I would say the same is true for this book. I will be honest I did not actually finish reading this book because I was so annoyed.

One thing that I did not remember about the first book was how many Buddhist ideas were put into this book. Once again one most read with critical eye. I know I read the first book in middle school, but I think that this is a book that should be discussed if middle schoolers are going to be reading it.

A Crack in the Line by Michael Lawrence
A Very Interesting Book
CRACK LINE                  PB (Withern Rise)A boy whose mother was killed in a train accident discovers an alternate reality in which a girl version of himself lives and his mother is still alive. This book was very interesting and it made me want to keep reading. However, I thought that the author introduced too many plot points that were unresolved by the end of the book. The ending was still good, but it left me with some questions. I did not realize until I began to write this review that this is the first book in a trilogy, so maybe these questions will be resolved in the next two books.  When I finished the book, I was not looking for a sequel; I just wanted a few plot points wrapped up a bit. Now that I know there are two more books, I am not sure how I feel, and I am not sure if I will read them.

I also wanted to note this book has a decent amount of language. Most of it is British swear words (Actually, that is how I figured out that the story was taking place in the UK. Is that sad?), so I was not particularly offended by it because I have not been conditioned to do so, but I know that others might be.

Match and Crossed by Ally Condie
A typical dystopia novel

Product DetailsIn a future perfect word, the Society picks your perfect spouse for you except somehow Cassia has two matches: one is the one the Society wants for her, and one with unmentionable secrets. The world of this book very much reminds me of The Giver. I don’t think that the world itself was unique enough or developed enough to make it interesting. Also, I don’t know why all these authors think that love triangles are in and of themselves a good premise for a book. I still enjoyed the book, but I would not go as far to say that it is “storytelling with the resonance of a classic” (as it says on the inside front cover). I think that this author attempted to be literary, but she falls short. The concept of the story is interesting, but the pacing of the story is pretty slow, and it was very obviously written to be two books. I think that this is rather lazy writing though because she cannot make the reader interested enough in the plot to want to keep reading, so she drags out the plot until there finally is conflict and ends the book. That way the reader will feel obligated to read the second book. 
Product DetailsThe second book Crossed begins pretty exciting, but towards the middle the pacing slows down and once again it is a bit boring. Then at the end she makes it exciting and once again ends the book. I was reading other reviews on this book and one of them said this, “It's like Condie had enough material for 2 books but the publisher's wanted to squeeze out three, and Crossed resulted.” I, personally, disagree with this reviewer. I think that Condie had enough material for one book, but dragged it out into three. These books are quick reads though, and if you want fluffy books that attempt to be literary and, mostly, fail then go for it.

I feel like I have been really critical in these reviews, but I have been very grateful for the time to read for pleasure. Even if I have not loved all the books, I have enjoyed reading them.

On my reading list for the rest of the summer
The Help – I saw the movie, and I really want to read the book.
Cat’s Eye– I loved the Blind Assassin, and ever since I wanted to read another Margaret Atwood novel.
Redeeming Love – I have heard mixed reviews on this book, but those who like it, love it, so I want to come up with my own opinions.